Roles & Responsibilities
- Attend Executive Committee Meetings
- Develop Executive Committee agenda
- Chair Executive Committee meetings
- Sign Cheques/Approve Payments
- Receive/send communications
- Ex-officio committee membership
- Prepare monthly report
Time Commitment: Fifteen plus hours per month in addition to Executive and other Committee meetings
- Attend Executive Committee Meetings
- Chair Executive Committee meeting when President unavailable
- Sign cheques/Approve payments
- Assist with QEBPA activities as required
Time Commitment: Four hours per month in addition to Executive Committee meetings
- Attend Executive Committee Meetings
- Take minutes during Executive Committee meetings
- Compile reports and note action items
- Distribute draft minutes to Executive Committee at least two weeks prior to next meeting
- Distribute electronic communications to parents on behalf of the band director and the QEBPA (e.g., fundraising updates, uniforms, band events, etc)
- Work with the Website Coordinator on utilizing the website as a communication medium
Time Commitment: Four hours per month in addition to Executive Committee meetings
- Attend Executive Committee Meetings
- Maintain association finances including all banking transactions
- Write and sign cheques/Submit and approve payments
- Receive and deposit fundraising funds into bank
- Track and communicate student credits
- Coordinate financial statements and coordinate auditing process
- Prepare monthly report
Time Commitment: Ten plus hours per month in addition to Executive Committee meetings
Director Positions
Parent and Volunteer Contact Administrator
- Collect and manage Parent Information Forms at beginning of school year
- Enter parent contact information (telephone and email address) into the QEPBA email account
- Comfort with uploading/downloading data and spreadsheet tools
- Update grade level distribution lists
- Maintain email account and contact information on a regular basis (e.g., monitor bounce backs, add or remove contacts as needed)
- Collect volunteer needs from fundraising coordinators
- Recruit, manage lists and communicate with volunteers
- Executive Committee meeting attendance
Time Commitment: Twenty-five hours throughout the year, primarily in September and October
Bottle Drive Coordinator
- Attend Executive Committee Meetings
- Plan all logistics related to Bottle Drive two times per year
- Maintain communication with Bottle depot
- Update and distribute Bottle Drive Letter, route maps, flyers
- Coordinate volunteer teams and oversee operation on the day of bottle drives
- Prepare bottle drive reports
Time Commitment: Twenty-five hours per bottle drive in addition to Executive Committee meetings
Fundraiser Coordinator
- Attend Executive Committee Meetings
- Plan all logistics related to Fundraising campaign
- Maintain communication with Fundraiser's Vendor representative
- Update and distribute order forms
- Manage order submission and delivery of purchases
- Attend Fundraiser's event/pick-up day and coordinate volunteers
- Prepare campaign reports
Time Commitment: Fifteen plus hours per campaign in addition to Executive Committee meetings
Uniform Coordinator
- Attend Executive Committee Meetings
- Manage orders of new uniforms (dress shirts/blouses and ties)
- Maintain Communication with Derks (Ties)
- Prepare uniform reports
Time Commitment: Fifteen hours during Fall in addition to Executive Committee meetings
Website Coordinator
- Attend Executive Committee Meetings
- Maintain and update QEBPA website throughout year
Time Commitment: Five hours per month in addition to Executive Committee meetings
Concession Coordinator
- Attend Executive Committee Meetings
- Plan all logistics related to concessions at Bottle Drives and concerts
- Collect all groceries and give-away items
- Coordinate volunteers teams and oversee concession operation
- Prepare concession reports
Time Commitment: Fifteen plus hours per concession in addition to Executive Committee meetings
Rep to School Council
- Attend Executive Committee Meetings
- Attend all QE School Council meetings and is a member of the School Council Executive
- Prepare monthly reports
Time Commitment: Three hours per month in addition to Executive Committee meetings
Director at Large
- Attend Executive Committee Meetings
- Assist with QEBPA activities as required
Time Commitment: Three hours per month in addition to Executive Committee meetings