Concerts & Performances

November 2024 update: The QEBPA will be presenting some options for new uniforms to Mr. Parker and the band, which we hope can go along with a new logo from the students. Our goal is to have some casino money from the school for this effort, and also some of the fundraisers.

Upcoming performances

Watch this space for information about upcoming performances

Past performances

Thursday Dec. 12, 2024 - 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. 

Thanks for all your support - the bands' performances during the Fine Arts Showcase were spectacular and the attendance was overwhelming!!

Queen Elizabeth Fine Arts Showcase

Location: Queen Elizabeth Senior High School

On December 12, QEHS hosted our annual Knight’s Night Fine Arts Showcase which is an event to highlight all the artistic talents and abilities of students who are involved in any Fine Arts and CTS courses through first semester. This was a wonderful night filled with visual art, dramatic performances, culinary arts, and of course the band program. 

Anticipated events

Students in the Queen Elizabeth Band can look forward to the following events throughout the year:

Concerts & performances FAQ’s

Does my child need to bring their instrument to off-site performances?

Yes, it is the band student's responsibility to bring their instruments with them.

Band uniform

When performing, students are expected to bring their instrument and be dressed in their designated Band uniform, as follows, except where noted for a particular performance above:

Junior High Band:

Senior High Band:

Band uniform FAQ’s

How do I order a tie for band?

Band ties can be purchased in person at the Business Office at Queen Elizabeth High School. 

Ties are $28 each. Payment can be made at the Business Office or online. 

Is it my responsibility to provide the band uniform?

Yes, it is. If financial assistance is required please contact the Band Director to discuss.  The Band Director will work with the QEBPA if a subsidy is approved.