General Membership Information
The Queen Elizabeth High School Band program has a long history of providing rich opportunities to its students. Through consistent support of the Queen Elizabeth Band Parent Association (QEBPA), we are able to offer our musicians a variety of experiences to enhance their academic, social and musical training.
The QEBPA provides the band program with its PRIMARY SOURCE OF FUNDS. Without this monetary support, the band program could not exist in its present form.
Find out about the Executive Committee and how you can help!
The QEBPA has been incorporated as a society with the following objectives:
To encourage and support the development of a strong music program at Queen Elizabeth High School;
To foster and stimulate the musical education and development of all students enrolled in Queen Elizabeth High School music program;
To raise funds for scholarships and to accept donations, gifts, legacies and bequests for these;
To use any profits or other accretions to the Association in promoting its objectives without purpose of material gain for its members;
To manage the property of the Association, to defray necessary expenses, and to remunerate any person for services rendered to the Association.
All parents/guardians who have a student enrolled in the Band program at Queen Elizabeth High School are automatically members of the QEBPA. Anyone else with an interest in the program can also become a member of the association.
Annual General Meeting (AGM) - This meeting is held in early September. Agenda items will include the election of the new Executive Committee, presentation of the financial report and upcoming budget and further information about the QEBPA.
Monthly Meetings - The QEBPA Executive Committee meets monthly from October to June. Meetings are held either in-person at the school or online. Parents are encouraged to attend these meetings, even if you are not on the executive - your input is valued.
Anticipated Events
Students in the Queen Elizabeth Band can look forward to the following events throughout the year:
Band Trips: Each band group is taken on a trip that allows them to work with clinicians and develop their skills. These events come at an additional cost but can be offset with fundraising credits.
Concerts: Students participate in a Winter and Spring Concert to showcase their accomplishments
Alberta International Band Festival: Students in all bands perform in the AIBF each year in February/March. The costs for the AIBF are paid for by the QEBPA.