Executive Committee
Roles & Responsibilities
Attend Executive Committee Meetings
Develop Executive Committee agenda
Chair Executive Committee meetings
Sign Cheques/Approve Payments
Receive/send communications
Ex-officio committee membership
Prepare monthly report
Time Commitment: Fifteen plus hours per month in addition to Executive and other Committee meetings
Attend Executive Committee Meetings
Chair Executive Committee meeting when President unavailable
Sign cheques/Approve payments
Assist with QEBPA activities as required
Time Commitment: Four hours per month in addition to Executive Committee meetings
Attend Executive Committee Meetings
Take minutes during Executive Committee meetings
Compile reports and note action items
Distribute draft minutes to Executive Committee at least two weeks prior to next meeting
Distribute electronic communications to parents on behalf of the band director and the QEBPA (e.g., fundraising updates, uniforms, band events, etc)
Work with the Website Coordinator on utilizing the website as a communication medium
Time Commitment: Four hours per month in addition to Executive Committee meetings
Attend Executive Committee Meetings
Maintain association finances including all banking transactions
Write and sign cheques/Submit and approve payments
Receive and deposit fundraising funds into bank
Track and communicate student credits
Coordinate financial statements and coordinate auditing process
Prepare monthly report
Time Commitment: Ten plus hours per month in addition to Executive Committee meetings
Director Positions
Parent and Volunteer Contact Administrator
Collect and manage Parent Information Forms at beginning of school year
Enter parent contact information (telephone and email address) into the QEPBA email account
Comfort with uploading/downloading data and spreadsheet tools
Update grade level distribution lists
Maintain email account and contact information on a regular basis (e.g., monitor bounce backs, add or remove contacts as needed)
Collect volunteer needs from fundraising coordinators
Recruit, manage lists and communicate with volunteers
Executive Committee meeting attendance
Time Commitment: Twenty-five hours throughout the year, primarily in September and October
Bottle Drive Coordinator
Attend Executive Committee Meetings
Plan all logistics related to Bottle Drive two times per year
Maintain communication with Bottle depot
Update and distribute Bottle Drive Letter, route maps, flyers
Coordinate volunteer teams and oversee operation on the day of bottle drives
Prepare bottle drive reports
Time Commitment: Twenty-five hours per bottle drive in addition to Executive Committee meetings
Fundraiser Coordinator
Attend Executive Committee Meetings
Plan all logistics related to Fundraising campaign
Maintain communication with Fundraiser's Vendor representative
Update and distribute order forms
Manage order submission and delivery of purchases
Attend Fundraiser's event/pick-up day and coordinate volunteers
Prepare campaign reports
Time Commitment: Fifteen plus hours per campaign in addition to Executive Committee meetings
Uniform Coordinator
Attend Executive Committee Meetings
Manage orders of new uniforms (dress shirts/blouses and ties)
Maintain Communication with Derks (Ties)
Prepare uniform reports
Time Commitment: Fifteen hours during Fall in addition to Executive Committee meetings
Website Coordinator
Attend Executive Committee Meetings
Maintain and update QEBPA website throughout year
Time Commitment: Five hours per month in addition to Executive Committee meetings
Concession Coordinator
Attend Executive Committee Meetings
Plan all logistics related to concessions at Bottle Drives and concerts
Collect all groceries and give-away items
Coordinate volunteers teams and oversee concession operation
Prepare concession reports
Time Commitment: Fifteen plus hours per concession in addition to Executive Committee meetings
Rep to School Council
Attend Executive Committee Meetings
Attend all QE School Council meetings and is a member of the School Council Executive
Prepare monthly reports
Time Commitment: Three hours per month in addition to Executive Committee meetings
Director at Large
Attend Executive Committee Meetings
Assist with QEBPA activities as required
Time Commitment: Three hours per month in addition to Executive Committee meetings