Trip Information
2024 - 2025 school year trips
Please watch for emails from Mr. Parker about specific trips for the junior and senior bands this school year.
Parent Volunteer Band Trip Supervisor Handbook
This handbook was developed by the 2016-17 QEBPA Executive Board. The purpose is to provide outlines, expectations, and procedures. This handbook is intended to be reviewed and revised after each band trip, ensuring continuous improvement.
"Plans are worthless, but planning is everything."
—Dwight D. Eisenhower
The Band Director(s) is accountable for the trip, and has the final word in all circumstances
The Band Director will name a Parent Supervisor Coordinator (PSC) for the trip
The Parent Supervisors will interact with the PSC, allowing the band director to focus on the Program
All pre-existing rules, regulations, and guidelines will be followed, ensuring consistency and common understanding (E.g. Laws, CBE regulations, elevator capacities, movie ratings, etc.)
General eligibility is set by CBE Policies, including:
Number of supervisors required (ratio of students to supervisors)
Gender ratios, depending on the makeup of the band
Police Clearance
QEBPA membership, or staff/selection of CBE
Seniority and participation
Preference is given to volunteers having shown a longstanding commitment to the band program. Included in this consideration:
Years of service
Hours of service provided to the program (e.g. QEBPA Executive membership)
Medical expertise is valuable
Past trip experience
To ensure compatible personalities, final selection is at the Band Director's discretion
Well in advance of the trip, supervisors must have completed and secured:
Volunteer clearances
CBE mandatory Police Check
Proper identification (e.g. Passport/visas in the case of international travel)
Scheduling away from all duties such as work, other potential conflicting commitments
Medical clearance (if applicable)
Behaviour Expectations
Model appropriate behaviour for the situation, including language, dress, respect
Don't over-react, stay calm
Do not make decisions based on your opinion. Your opinion may be weighed against alternatives by the PSC and/or the Band Director
Respect privacy, but enforce code of conduct
If you are unsure how to handle a situation, just ask!
Be respectful to everyone
Stay positive, especially if there are challenges.
Have cell phone ready to communicate remotely
You are always On-Call
Ensure you can be reached
Ensure someone knows where you are (preferably the PSC)
Attend all regular and ad-hoc Supervisor meetings
Be ready to give your cell phone number to other supervisors
All actions and activities must be viewed with a safety perspective
If you feel unsafe activities are happening, take immediate corrective action, inform the PSC and/or the band director.
Pay attention for bullying or harassing behaviours. Strive to ensure students feel safe (e.g. hazing, coercion)
Be prepared to be flexible; schedules are set months in advance so adjustments are often needed during implementation
Ensure you have the latest version of the schedule
Ensure your students understand the latest version of the schedule
Attend mandatory parent meeting and any other trip preparation meetings
Communications agreement
Agree to the communication method to be used for the trip (e.g. Text, What's App, etc.)
Exchange communication information (e.g. phone number, email address) with all other supervisors
Prepare an exchange of contact information with supervised students
Supervise student loading of the bus to ensure students participate, coordinate, and that everything is loaded
There is no need to assist with loading, as students can and should do the work
Ensure roll-call is performed to ensure everyone is on the bus
Model appropriate bus behaviour, and ensure students do as well
At end of each trip or segment of bus trip, ensure students have cleaned up the bus
Do a final look-through to ensure nothing is left behind
Help students get to where they need to be at the right time
Provide appropriate notice and reminders with time to prepare and travel in order to be on time at destination
Monitoring at venues
Mentor students on appropriate etiquette for each venue (e.g. noise, no running, proper attire, etc.)
Hotel Hallways
Regulate student hallway traffic, ensuring no running, or loud behaviour
Hotel Rooms
Ensure no student of the opposite gender are in rooms together (unless cleared under special circumstances)
Ensure students are in their own rooms at lights out
By lights-out, ensure students are informed of night-time behavioural expectations, and the schedule for following day
Monitor room activity for at least 1 hour after lights out
Ensure students have collected all gear (e.g. device chargers)
Ensure students have cleaned rooms, note and report any damage to PSC and/or Band Director
Ensure rooms keys are returned
When students are fully under the care of the band director (e.g. during full group rehearsals) you may take time away from the students
Ensure you inform the PSC if you will be away from the group
Ensure you stay available for, and pay attention to, incoming communications
Ensure you adhere to the group schedule for next event
Minor - behavioural
Take opportunity to provide mentoring/guidance on appropriate behaviours
If you are not sure whether behaviour warrants discipline, consult with the PSC
If you are sure behaviour warrants discipline, inform the PSC and the Band Director
Major - infractions "larger" than Minor
Band Director or other School Administrators handle disciplinary actions
Ensure students unload and properly stow the gear
Make sure that no students are left without a ride home
General Considerations
Teenagers don't always think clearly and responsibly, help them stay safe
Don't ignore inappropriate behavior (Be aware of couples)
The parent Supervisor Role is not a personal vacation opportunity
The parent Supervisor Role is not an opportunity for a family vacation
No other family members of Parent supervisors may come along. Reasons include:
Split focus
Unfair subsidization
Poor optics
No alcohol, no drugs