QEBPA Executive Committee
Committee Positions & Current Members
The QEBPA Executive Committee is responsible for the general operations of the QEBPA, including scheduling events, fundraising, handling member fundraising credits, scholarships, bursaries, supporting the Band Director, securing insurance, filing association documents, etc. It is comprised of up to 15 QEBPA members who are elected each year at the AGM.
Executive Committee roles
The Executive Committee is a group of fun and dedicated parents that help make the band program an excellent experience for our students.
As several of our committee are "graduating" this year we'd like to hand off to fellow band parents in order to support a revitalized and growing program into the future. The main roles in the group are:
Vice President
Communications (website)
School Council Liaison
Fundraising Coordinator(s)
Our goal is to identify individuals willing to take on these roles for next year, in time that we can "hand over the keys".
If you are interested in a position or have any questions, please email QEBPAinfo@gmail.com.
2024-25 Executive Committee
President: David W.
Vice President:
Secretary: Heather L.
Past President:
Communication Coordinator:
Director (Bottle Drive Coordinator):
Director (Purdys Fund Raising Coordinator):
Director (Spolumbo's Fundraising Coordinator):
Director (Spud Fundraiser Coordinator):
Director (Fundraiser Coordinator):
Director (School Council Representative):
Director (At Large):
Director (At Large):
Director (At Large):
We need you to fill positions for the 2025-26 school year! Contact us today!
For position details please see Roles & Responsibilities.
The QEBPA Executive Board conforms to Alberta Society Regulations and Standards as defined by the Societies Act of Alberta, and governs and is governed according to the QEBPA Bylaws. The most recent adopted Bylaws are posted on the QEBPA website, and the source document is stored in the QEBPA Shared Drive.