Queen Elizabeth Band Parents Association

Welcome to the 2024-25 school year! 

Who are we?

Queen Elizabeth High School in Calgary, Alberta (Canada) has a great reputation for its band program.

The Queen Elizabeth Band Parents Association (QEBPA) proudly exists to support this program. All parents/guardians who have a student enrolled in the Band program at Queen Elizabeth High School are automatically members of the QEBPA. 

Without the volunteer and financial support of the QEBPA, band students would not have the opportunity to experience band camp, workshops, off-site performances and band trips.

Please explore our website to find information on concerts & performances, membership, fundraisers and trips.

Spolumbo's fundraiser underway!

You should have received your order form and details by email.  If you have not, read the details here or please contact us at qebpainfo@gmail.com. We are raising funds to support a uniform refresh for the band!

Orders due Feb 18, pickup tentatively scheduled March 6.

How you can help

We need you! As a volunteer and parent run association, we need help! You can choose to get involved in small ways, from general volunteering, to organizing a fundraiser or joining the Executive Committee! Email us at QEBPAinfo@gmail.com if you are interested in helping with any of the volunteer opportunities or have any questions about them.

Current volunteer needs

We're looking for some volunteers to lead and support some planned fundraising events. 

Fundraising with plants

Like plants? We're looking for someone to help organize this fundraiser campaign in April 2025 with delivery in May. Information is here: https://www.growingsmilesfundraising.com/.

Bottle Drive

Bottle drives can raise a lot of money for our students! We're looking for an organier for either a one-day bottle drive in March or ongoing bottle drive efforts via Skip the Depot. 

IF you are able to help organize and run any of these, please email QEBPAinfo@gmail.com.

Executive Committee members

The Executive Committee is a group of fun and dedicated parents that help make the band program an excellent experience for our students. 

As several of our committee are "graduating" this year we'd like to hand off to fellow band parents in order to support a revitalized and growing program into the future. The main roles in the group are:

Our goal is to identify individuals willing to take on these roles for next year, in time that we can "hand over the keys".

If you are interested in a position or have any questions, please email QEBPAinfo@gmail.com. 

The GATE Parent Association Casino Fundraising Event is taking place on Thursday, March 6 and Friday, March 7 at Pure Casino (1420 Meridian Rd NE). This is our most important fundraising event, which allows us to support the four GATE schools, including Queen Elizabeth High School.  

Please help us support the GATE classes by volunteering for a shift. You do NOT need to have a child in GATE to volunteer.

Sign up here. If you have any questions, please contact: info@gatecalgary.ca.

SIGN UP for updates on band plans and programs.

You must sign up for the QEBPA mailing list each school year.

As an external organization, we cannot collect contact information from the CBE. 

In order to stay in the loop about band activities, trips, and fundraising opportunities, please fill in THIS FORM or click the button below.

Thursday March 13, 2025 6:30 p.m.

QEBPA meeting

In person at the school. Room TBA. 

Next QEBPA meeting:

March 6  2025 - 6:30 p.m.

Meeting minutes:

Review previous band meeting minutes here:

Uniform update

The QEBPA will be presenting some options for new uniforms to Mr. Parker and the band, which we hope can go along with a new logo from the students. Our goal is to have some casino money from the school for this effort, and also some of the fundraisers.

Calendar of Events - Important Dates

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